Product Product

Lind Equipment Officially Launches the Long-Awaited Beacon Infinity Floodlight

The only light you will ever need, ever again. We know the hassle and the all too common problems with your typical lights.

Jobs routinely go under-lit, multiple task lights are needed for different areas with countless different mounting options for each type of light. You need to save space in your toolbags - you carry enough around from one job to the next. The Beacon Infinity Light has all the light you will ever need on a jobsite ever again. Infinite mounting options are available to suit your needs.

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Resource Resource

LEDs Gain Ground in Hazardous Locations

Electrical Business magazine interviewed Brian Astl to discuss the huge steps LEDs have made in the hazardous location market. He explains the importance of addressing the hazardous location risks and the design for safety on the job site.

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News News

Change More than Just a Bulb

Construction teams may be used to dealing with hassles when it comes to jobsite lighting, but the longer lifespan of LED lighting creates an opportunity for contractors to turn their lighting equipment into an asset. Lower energy, material and labor costs are the result.

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Resource Resource

Beacon LED Tower Lighting the Way

Take an in-depth look at our revolutionary light tower and the attention it’s been getting - both on and off the job site! Two innovative models, three prestigious awards, the future is bright for the Beacon LED Tower!

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Resource Resource

Pro Contractor Rentals Covers LED's, the Beacon Tower and the 360 Blaze

Brian Astl, President of Lind Equipment, writes an impressive article how ‘Improving Batteries and LED’s Drive Light Tower Development’. Also in this issue, the Beacon LED Tower boasts it’s plug in power options: two towers can run off a single 15-amp circuit. Unheard of from traditional metal halide towers! The Beacon 360 Blaze also makes an appearance, replacing any need for traditional bulb-based string lights with it’s powerful light coverage.

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Electrical Products and Solutions Article on the LED Jobsite

Electrical Products and Solutions explain the benefits of the LED Jobsite in the featured article, ‘Purpose-built LED Lighting is a Better Choice of Jobsites’. Brian Astl writes about the ways to save both time and money on a jobsite. Contractors invest in efficient and reusable temporary lights for a productive work environment.

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